How much is finding your Diamond worth to you?

Matchmaker, Make Me a Match

If you believe true love exists and you know how much finding it is worth to you, let me do the dirty work and sift through the duds to present you with your Diamond.


Cut-the-Deck Consultation (1-3hrs)

If we end up being a fabulous client-matchmaker match, this fee will be included in your package payment.



First Hand Matchmaking Package

3 personalized, high-quality matches, image consulting, date coaching, and post-date feedback.



Suit Up Matchmaking Package

5 personalized, high-quality matches, image consulting, date coaching, and post-date feedback.



Game Time Matchmaking Package

7 personalized, high-quality matches, image consulting, date coaching, and post-date feedback.


Matches are guaranteed to be delivered within a year, but I will work my little ace off to deliver them to you as soon as possible. Keep in mind, though: real Diamonds take time to form.
If you intend to purchase a coaching package as well, or are already a client, please inquire about the discounted matchmaking rates.
Based in Southern California. Upon selection and screening. All clients and matches are background-checked. Depending on the client’s match criteria, rate may increase.